Call us on 0800 222 9002 or 01937 541186 


We often get asked to recommend local businesses/tradespeople so have introduced this section into our website for just that purpose. We do not receive any financial or other reward for these recommendations, but please mention our name so we can be sure they’ll look after you. And of course, if you know someone who you think we should feature, please let us know! 
Call Chris Wharmby on 07764 199697 
We can highly recommend Chris and his team. He has carried out cleanings for many of our clients and at Diane’s house. As we know him so well, we can also arrange access for you so he can work while you are out if you choose, with us arranging keys at no extra charge. 
Call Steve Kay on 01937 583325 
Steve’s company has a great reputation around Wetherby. They also do the Christmas lights every year in the town centre! From moving a socket to a full rewire, we have no hesitation in recommending them. 

Other Companies we have used and can recommend... 

Capital Finance Specialists 
A1 Capital Limited 
Ian Smith - 01937 588084 
Interior Designer 
Inside the Box 
Zena Jackson - 07966 203328 
Letting Agency 
The House Share Company 
Tel: 01937 206000 
National Residential Landlords Association 
Cleaning Locally Directory